Matt Sorum Biografi
Matt Sorum (born Matthew Sorum, November 19, 1960, in Mission Viejo, California) is a hard rock drummer and percussionist. Matt Sorum (lahir Matius Sorum, November 19, 1960, di Mission Viejo, California) adalah hard rock drumer dan perkusi. He is currently the drummer for Velvet Revolver. Dia saat ini Velvet Revolver drummer.
Sorum is most famous for his time spent in Guns N' Roses, (1990-1997). Sorum yang paling terkenal karena waktu yang dihabiskan di Guns N 'Roses, (1990-1997). He also played drums on a couple of songs with Johnny Crash in 1989 with their one and only album, Neighbourhood Threat and with The Cult and Hawk. Ia juga bermain drum pada beberapa lagu dengan Johnny Crash pada tahun 1989 dengan mereka dan hanya satu album, Neighbourhood Ancaman dan dengan The Cult dan Hawk.
Sorum started out in Mission Viejo as a local hot musician. Sorum mulai di Mission Viejo sebagai musisi panas lokal. Wearing trademark "Union Jack" shorts and nothing else, he used to pound a huge acrylic drumset and overpower his first band "Prophecy", where he stood out and the rest of the band just disappeared. Memakai merek dagang "Union Jack" celana pendek dan apa-apa lagi, ia digunakan untuk pon drumset akrilik yang besar dan mengalahkan band pertamanya "Nubuat", di mana ia berdiri keluar dan sisa band menghilang begitu saja. A local songwriter, Stephen Douglas, pulled him from the band and joined him with other talented musicians in the area to form "Chateau", a wall-of-sound band with grandiose themes and sounds in their songs. Pencipta lagu lokal, Stephen Douglas, menariknya dari band dan bergabung dengan musisi berbakat lain di daerah untuk membentuk "Chateau", dinding-of-suara band dengan tema-tema megah dan suara dalam lagu mereka. Chateau played the Hollywood circuit, appearing at Gazzarri's and almost getting into a fight with the original members of the band "Ratt", which at the time was known as "Mickey Ratt". Chateau memainkan rangkaian Hollywood, muncul di Gazzarri's dan hampir masuk ke bertengkar dengan anggota asli band "Ratt", yang pada waktu itu dikenal sebagai "Mickey Ratt".
Sorum's work with Chateau produced a four song set that was covered by local radio stations for a short time, but the music scene changed from grandiose rock to punk and alternative new wave music. Sorum's bekerja dengan Chateau menghasilkan empat lagu disetel yang diliput oleh stasiun radio lokal untuk waktu yang singkat, tetapi scene musik yang megah berubah dari batu ke punk dan gelombang baru musik alternatif. Sorum left and went to Hollywood to play with a series of bands, including "Population Five", with the bassist from The Knack ("My Sharona"). Sorum kiri dan pergi ke Hollywood untuk bermain dengan sejumlah band, termasuk "Populasi Lima", dengan bassis dari The ketangkasan ( "My Sharona"). He then left on a tour around the country with a blues guitarist, playing nightclubs and bars. Dia kemudian ditinggalkan di sebuah tur di seluruh negeri dengan gitaris blues, bermain klub malam dan bar.
In 1988, he was recruited to play on the debut album of Y Kant Tori Read, a band fronted by a then unknown Tori Amos. Pada 1988, ia direkrut untuk bermain di album debut Y Kant Tori Read, sebuah band fronted oleh Tori Amos itu belum dikenal. In the wake of that project, he joined The Cult as their live drummer for the 1989 tour in support of Sonic Temple . Pada awal proyek itu, ia bergabung dengan The Cult sebagai drummer hidup mereka tahun 1989 tur dalam mendukung Sonic Temple.
In 1989, after Slash saw him live with The Cult on their Sonic Temple tour, he was impressed with Sorum and consequently he joined Guns N' Roses in 1990 as Steven Adler's replacement. Pada tahun 1989, setelah melihatnya Slash tinggal bersama The Cult di Candi Sonic mereka tur, dia terkesan dengan Sorum dan akibatnya ia bergabung dengan Guns N 'Roses pada tahun 1990 sebagai pengganti Steven Adler. Sorum can be heard on Use Your Illusion I , Use Your Illusion II , The Spaghetti Incident? and the 1994 cover of the Rolling Stones track, "Sympathy For The Devil". Sorum dapat didengar pada Use Your Illusion I Use Your Illusion II, The Spaghetti Incident? Dan penutup tahun 1994 the Rolling Stones lagu, "Sympathy For The Devil". In 1995 with Slash and Gilby Clarke he formed Slash's Snakepit. Pada tahun 1995 dengan Slash dan Gilby Clarke ia membentuk Slash's Snakepit.
He was fired from Guns N' Roses in 1997 after defending departed lead guitarist Slash in an argument with Axl Rose. Ia dipecat dari Guns N 'Roses pada tahun 1997 setelah membela berangkat gitaris Slash dalam pertengkaran dengan Axl Rose.
In 2003, he got back together with Slash and bassist Duff McKagan for a charity benefit. Pada tahun 2003, ia kembali bersama-sama dengan Slash dan bassist Duff McKagan untuk kepentingan amal. Realizing that they still had chemistry together, they formed a new band called Velvet Revolver with former STP frontman, Scott Weiland and rhythm guitarist Dave Kushner. Menyadari bahwa mereka masih memiliki kimia bersama-sama, mereka membentuk band baru bernama Velvet Revolver dengan mantan vokalis STP, Scott Weiland dan gitaris Dave Kushner irama. After the 2004 release of their debut album Contraband , they embarked on a worldwide tour that continued through December 2005. Setelah tahun 2004 mereka merilis debut album Contraband, mereka memulai tur di seluruh dunia yang terus berlanjut sampai Desember 2005. In August 2005, Sorum broke his wrist in a boating accident, stalling the tour temporarily. Pada bulan Agustus 2005, Sorum pergelangan tangannya patah dalam kecelakaan kapal, mengulur tur sementara.
Currently taking some time off, Velvet Revolver is preparing to record their second album, Libertad , which is scheduled to be released early 2007. Saat mengambil beberapa waktu istirahat, Velvet Revolver sedang mempersiapkan untuk merekam album kedua mereka, Libertad, yang dijadwalkan akan dirilis awal tahun 2007. Sorum is also guest recording in his studio with a new project called Circus Diablo. Sorum juga tamu rekaman di studio dengan sebuah proyek baru bernama Circus Diablo. He is handling the drums and co-producing the recordings. Dia adalah menangani drum dan co-produksi rekaman. In April 2006, ten years after leaving Guns N' Roses, Sorum has re-established his friendship with Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose. Pada bulan April 2006, sepuluh tahun setelah meninggalkan Guns N 'Roses, Sorum telah mendirikan kembali persahabatan dengan Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose.
Sorum also has a solo album entitled Hollywood Zen . Sorum juga memiliki album solo berjudul Hollywood Zen. This album is a musical statement about his life, touring, relationships, etc. It is available on his website. Album ini adalah musik pernyataan tentang hidupnya, tur, hubungan, dll tersedia di websitenya.
In addition to this, Sorum also lent his drumming skills in the theme song for the 1995 20th Century Fox film, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie . Selain ini, Sorum juga meminjamkan keterampilan bermain drum nya di lagu tema untuk tahun 1995 film 20th Century Fox, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie.
Sorum is also a member of Camp Freddy. Sorum juga merupakan anggota Camp Freddy.
He currently endorses Drum Workshop drums, he endorsed Yamaha when he was with Guns N' Roses. Dia saat ini mendukung Workshop Drum drum, ia mendukung Yamaha ketika ia bersama Guns N 'Roses. Sorum is the first drummer who pioneered the Easton Ahead sticks in the early 90s during the Use Your Illusion Tour, sticks which are now played by many metal drummers, including Lars Ulrich of Metallica and Joey Jordison of Slipknot. Sorum adalah drummer pertama yang merintis Easton tongkat depan pada awal 90-an selama Use Your Illusion Tour, tongkat yang sekarang dimainkan oleh banyak drumer logam, termasuk Lars Ulrich dari Metallica dan Joey Jordison of Slipknot. Now, however, he uses Zildjian wood sticks. Sekarang, bagaimanapun, ia menggunakan tongkat kayu Zildjian. Matt has endorsed Zildjian cymbals for the past 18 years and has featured in numerous sweepstakes involved with Zildjian. Matt telah mendukung cymbal Zildjian selama 18 tahun dan telah tampil dalam berbagai undian terlibat dengan Zildjian.
Selasa, 03 November 2009
matt sorum (drummer)
Diposting oleh slash guns n roses di bangil 3:52:00 AM
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